'Daydream delusion, limousine eyelash Oh baby with your pretty face Drop a tear in my wineglass Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me Sweet-cakes and milkshakes I'm a delusion angel I'm a fantasy parade I want you to know what I think Don't want you to guess anymore You have no idea where I came from We have no idea where we're going Lodged in life Like branches in a river Flowing downstream Caught in the current I carry you You'll carry me That's how it could be Don't you know me? Don't you know me by now?'
Before sunrise, starring July Deply and Ethan Hawke, is about an american tourist and a french student who meet on a train. they both agree to spend one day in Viena together.Jesse and Celine reveal their hopes and dreams, their passions and peeves, and their wants and needs. two perfect strangers connect so intimately over the course of a single day. it is that special thing that bonds two people so strongly. This is a lovely movie proving that two people can learn more in a day of bonding than most people learn in a lifetime. The key is honesty. Absolutely beautiful.
Celine: I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away.
Jesse: I feel like this is, uh, some dream world we're in, you know? Celine: Yeah, it's so weird. It's like our time together is just ours. It's our own creation. It must be like I'm in your dream, and you in mine, or something.
Jesse: And what's so cool is that this whole evening, all our time together, shouldn't officially be happening.
Celine: Yeah, I know. Maybe that's why this feels so otherworldly.
new entry: Lykke Li. fascinanta tipa. voce superba. versuri divine. melodii frumoase. stil unic.just see for yourself:
"having trouble telling how i feel but i can dance, dance, dance couldn't possibly tell you how i mean but i can dance, dance, dance
so when i trip on my feet look at the beat the words arewritten in the dust when i'm shaking my hips look for the swing the words are written in the air" (Dance, dance, dance)
"hands down i'm too proud for love but with eyes shut it's you i'm thinking of" "eye to eye, thigh to thigh" "i think i'm a little bit, a little bit a little bit in love with you but only if you're a little bit, a little bit, a little bit in love with me"
"and for you i keep my legs apart and forget about my tainted heart" (a little bit)
"Then I'll be the rythm and you'll be the beat And love, the shoreline, where you and I meet" (Melody & desire) "you can't hold me back once i've had some" (breaking it up)
"I can't write in swedish. It's really hard for me. English, it's much more poetic. There's much more words if you wanna talk about loneliness or love." Lykke Li
Lady Gaga.Agyness Deyn. Kate Moss.Electro.Retro. Tehno.Drum and bass.Sex.Rock. Baileys.Pink. 'Hot N Cold' by Katy Perry.D.A.N.C.E. by Justice.Fule For Life by Diesel. Euphoria by Calvin Klein.Punk. El.Eu.
..si cand zic vara nu ma refer neaparat la vacanta de vara. sau la anotimp. ma refer la acele zile care parca nu se mai termina. la apusurile divine. la vama veche. la soarele portocaliu puternic. la iubirile de-o vara. la mirosul de iarba proaspat taiata. la plimbarile lungi in parc. la szarvas. la americani. la reintalnirea unor prieteni vechi cu care nu ai mai vorbit de mult. la amintiri. la sentimentul ca nu iti pasa de nimic. la mersul la baraka in fiecare zi. si cel mai mult la melodiile care imi aduc aminte de... vara.
Have you ever felt like you like someone so much your heat up even when they only take you by the hand? Have you ever had that beginning when you don't know if a person you like likes you? And you both have this little games, funny and without any logical explanation. You constantly pick on each other. But because of several reasons, your relationship couldn't be. And one day, it happens. You kiss. And it feels wonderful. Like you finally released yourself of all the feelings you've bottled up. And from that moment on. Things aren't the same. Every time you two are in the same room, you could cut the tension with a knife. And you start having this looks. No one can tell what they are about except you two. When that person takes you by the hand now, you feel so much more than visible to the eye. And when they kiss you on the cheek, even if apparently that's all it is, you feel heat in all of your body. You get the same feeling you had when you kissed. It all replays in your head. Like a flashback. And when you talk to them about something. Anything. You both know what you are actually thinking about. You are repeatedly replaying that kiss in your head. Your only thought being how it would be like to do it again. And no matter what happens next, you will never regret
Ca sa va aduc in tema, definitia de pe wikipedia: 'Drum and bass (commonly abbreviated to d&b, DnB, dnb, d'n'b, drum n bass, drum & bass) is a type of electronic dance music also known as jungle which emerged in the late 1980s. The genre is characterised by fast breakbeats (generally between 160–180 bmp, but also having occasional differences in some older compositions), with heavy sub basselines. Drum and bass began as an offshoot of the UK's rave scene of the very early 90s, and over the first decade of its existence there were many permutations in its style, incorporating elements from different musical genres.'
In my opinion, the thing about drum and bass is that once you start loving it, you can never stop. Once it gets into your system, you can't get it out. it's like a drug. When you hear that strong beat, you can't not dance. And when i say dance, i mean a crazy and odd movement that doesn't require any skill. You just bang your whole body however you feel like doing it. It's a divine feeling. Like nothing matters. You don't care how you look like. You don't care about anything. All you feel like doing is repeating this mad dance.
doua melodii cu care imi tot incep ziua in ultimul timp. Le tot aud Radio Guerrilla si le ador. sunt absolut superbe, si versurile sunt divine. Ele sunt Michael Franti - Say Hey si Shwayze - Buzzin. Hope they brighten your day too. kisses
Sunt mama care crede in mine. Sunt gicu pe care stiu unde sa-l caut. Sunt toate etajele liftului meu. Sunt toti baietii pe care i-am sarutat si cei care vor urma. Sunt profesoara de fizica care a vrut sa ma pice si cea din clasa intai care mi-a dat curaj. Sunt toate numele de cod pentru baieti pe care le-am facut cu Ana. Sunt vara in care m-am imprietenit cu Budinca. Sunt toti oamenii pe care i-am cunoscut si cei pe care urmeaza sa-i cunosc. Sunt toate episoadele de Friends si Two and a Half Men pe care le-am vazut. Sunt prietena mea cea mai buna din clasa a2-a, Iris. Sunt toate emisiunile 'In gura presei' cu Mircea Badea pe care le-am urmarit. Sunt toate locurile in care am ras cu prietenii si cele in care le-am simtit lipsa. Sunt toate turele de szarvas pe care le-am facut cu gicu in cautarea divinitatilor. Sunt toate melodiile Coldplay si Maroon 5 pe care le-am fredonat. Sunt toti cei care m-au dezamagit si cei care m-au surprins placut. Sunt toti cei care m-au descurajat si cei care m-au sprijinit.Sunt cine sunt datorita tuturor.
azi a fost joi. si a fost geniaaaaaaal. pentru ca a fost joi.si joia totul e genial. joi e o zi fascinanta. joi este o zi fermecatoare. 'zambeste foarte frumos si parca te soarbe din priviri'.joi miroase a Dior POUR HOMME. joi ilinca ia 9 la test la mate. joi ilinca ia 5 la test la biologie. joi zboara borcane de gem pe deasupra terenului de fotbal. joi trec si wilfred si budinca pe la scoala. joi femeia de la bucatarie o lasa pe ilinca sa ia 2 mere in loc de unul.
ahh banano sa incep prin a cita stickerul pe care ti lam dat pe facebook:'i love how we make up code names for guys so that no one will know what were talking about.' mai stii pastrama cand eu culegeam floricele pe campiiiar tu iti schimbaitapiteria? dar cand eu ma urcam princopacei iar tu cantai 'snow hey oh'? ma rog deja am crescut acum, tu deja ai trecut la treburi mai serioase, genBrad Pitt. eu am ramas cu ale mele, genUrata. ar mai fi unii trecatori cu jeci magice, locuri magice, genSnack Attack,din astia cu trecut dubios, gen securistu',din astia hubba hubba genmaghen david dar one at a time baby, nu-i asa ana?
'Nu-i asa ursuletule ca noi doi vom ramane prieteni pe vecie?' 'Ba chiar mai mult de atat!'
Contine: caramel, strudel , clatite, amintiri, rasete, secrete, xD-uri, poze. Mod de preparare: iei un bol, pui aluatul de mai sus si mai adaugi: -amintiri: kuba- http://www.youtube.com/v/93BWhPncUEg&hl=en&fs=1, tzitzu xD, mattycool - 'beautiful princess' 'tzuki pufo' securistu', dame si mazare- inainte sa-i introduceti trebuie rasi in cap si de-caciulizati. una bucata 'invitatie la vals' si una bucata fool. -overused phrases: 'vaaai' 'pazea' 'puti' 'giugi' 'xD' 'doamna budincaaa' 'domnul cocalaar' 'tzuki pufo' -our songs: veronica demonica. if you feel my love- blaxy girls. yala lecha. adama veshamaim.
Atentie!contine caramel fierbinte si este foarte dulce!
halo! tocmai ce m-am intors pe 8 de la Nice. superb locul. am fost la o nunta. atatea s-au intamplat incat nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep. am prins buchetul la nunta. am dansat. am ras pana cand am cazut pe jos. mi-am luat esarfe multe. si am facut... pozeeeeeee:
Hey. O sa trec direct la subiect. Sunt Ilinca si asta e blogul meu. Nu am o regula legat de ce voi posta pe el. Cand o sa gasesc ceva interesant, o sa impartasesc. Orice de la niste lyrics care miau placut, poze facute sau editate de mine, pana la un banc bun de zis :) .
ceaiul de vanilie cu prea mult zahar. rasariturile. arta. design-ul de interior. culorile. fotografia. iubirea. bucurestiul. carturesti.