Saturday, March 28, 2009

we will order chinese and watch TV.

ordering chinese on a friday evening while watching 'friends' on TV. waiting to get home to listen to lily allen's songs. drinking vanilla tea in the morning or in the evening and oversweeting it as i always do. eating sushi with chopsticks. watching love movies and having sweet dreams after them.
things that make me feel good. and they are little puzzle parts that help make me who i am.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

am avut un vis ciudat.

noaptea trecuta am avut un vis dubios. am visat ca eram intr-un tren cu niste prieteni. unul din ei tocmai povestea ca are o iubita noua. am iesit din tren cu o colega care imi spunea de iubita baiatului respectiv. mergeam pe sina de tren, cand o zarim pe iubita. era kate nash intr-un costum albastru cu galben si cu o caciula mare, rosie, aparent scotiana, si ducea in mana o tava. am continuat sa mergem pe sina de tren si deodata am ajuns la piscina. eram in costum de baie. la un moment dat un baiat care semana izbitor cu josh hartnett m-a luat pe sus si ma aruncat in piscina. dupa aia m-a ridicat si m-a pupat. mi s-a spus ulterior ca era fratele lui kate nash.

the end.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

in love with life.

wearing his clothes and the way that they smell. when his scent stays on you after a date. the butterflies you get in your stomach when he kisses you, or simply touches your hand. when you see him smiling, and you know that it's only because of you. the feeling that you finally found yourself, and that the search is finally over. not caring about what other people think anymore, because you know there's someone that likes you just the way you are. having to stop a kiss because you can't help yourself from smiling. the day you first kissed. when he tells you that he loves to hear you sing. when he wears that t-shirt he knows you like.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kate Nash - Pistachio Nut


I'm sorry we couldnt have breakfast before I left
I hope that the meeting went well
I miss your smile and I miss your company
I'm thinking of you on the train and I'm thinking about you when I'm busy
I like you so much
I like the jumpers you wear
I like your teeth
And I like it when you cut your hair
I like getting drunk on Rose
Dark chocolate, roast dinners
Number one would be indulgence
Sending postcards, drawing pictures
Always remembering
Falling over, banging heads
Holes in both our tights
Bruises, both late
I forget but you always remember
Perfume fresh
Wooden floorboards
Wardrobes, charity shops and tube stops
Sisters, fights, tears and thoughts about the future
But lets stick to the present
Like sellotape wrapped up so tight
I love thinking about you
I've never laughed so hard
Felt so good, like a child
As free as a bird, a naked one
Spray me with the hose when it's too hot in the summer
Sweaty, clammy hands
Holding hands
So much crap in my bag
Too many things but we love keeping things
Letters, pictures, ripped out from magazines
Photos, memories, broken bits of jewelry
I'm convinced that one day I will make this into something cool
Makeup, dress-up
Tear and run down my face
Over my body, through my veins
Make my hair stand on ends
Give me goosebumps, confidence
A secret, I feel safe and warm and I dont want to leave because
I'm back to when I was seven years old
Covered in glitter and smooth lines
Scratch, jump, run, fall and we're back up
Bread, I love eating bread
I love when you draw something and it's not dead
It moves off the page and round people's minds
You make other people laugh
But everything you do could make me cry
I want to feel, be, live, breathe, touch, see, fall, eat
Make glue, rip do, I want to be with you
I havent time for anybody else
I dont wanna be with them
I wanna move to our house in a field
Just tell me when and I'll be there
I'd drop everything for you
You are my best friend
I dont even have a boyfriend
My mind is occupied
My buzz is rocket high
Above the moon and back again
Who I love is you
You are the most unpretentious
The most fun, most exciting
I want to spend most of my time with you
Because you are the most worthwhile
You are the most cute, clever, and stupid
Hungry, energetic, passionate, scared, interesting
Like a film, made up person
I want to drink cream, eat chocolate
Get that nice suprise when the butter is un-salted
Eat salt out of the packet
Scream till I am blue in the face
Meet French people, go to the pictures
Show you my cobbled streets
Meet everybody that you could ever meet
Just so that they know that you are my best friend
And that you belong to me
Yeah, I know you think she's cute and funny
But er, actually she is not an I, she is a we
A united nation of absoloute nonescence
A community, neighbourhood watch
Firestation, theme park, space, time and energy
Talent, beauty, my best friend
They dont love you like I love you
The End.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Visele mele, se implinesc,
Cat bat din palme sau cat clipesc.
Respir iubire, mananc iubire,
Va dau la toti si va molipsesc.
Nimic in lume nu ma opreste,
Sa urlu tare 'sunt fericit!'
Nu-mi strigati ce sa fac,
Fiindca timpul i-un ac
Iar noi suntem ata din el!

Ziua cind te-am vazut
Inima mi s-a urcat in git,
Si n-a mai coborat,
Bate-acolo sus iar cand te sarut,
cinci batai in plus pe minut.

Nu mai vreau altceva,
Ochii verzi si parul tau mi-ajung.
Stai nu te mai misca!
Asta-i poza noastra, 28 februarie,
la metrou la gara ne iubiiiiim.

Numai pentru noi doi,
timpul sa se-opreasca intr-o joi.

Si sa il pacalim, sa-i dam drumul din nou,
si sa o ia din loc doar cand o fi sa ne despartim!

Lume cat te iubesc!
Suflletul mi-e bomba explodez!
Vise in mii de parti,
Vi le fac cadou, implinitile voi, visul meu il traiesc chiar acum.