you know those long late walks in the summer, at night, with the stars guiding you? i want that this summer. i want sleepless nights, watching the sunsets and sunrises by the sea as the days go by. we wouldn't care about the time passing by, because we would be there together. this time, watching the sunrise would be even more beautiful than it ever was. because it would be with the person you're supposed to watch a sunrise with. i want us to happen this summer. no games, no nothing. just laughing, talking about the weather and other useless stuff like that. going in the warm sea with our clothes on, then laughing and wrestling with you because you pushed me in. i want to wake up because the sun got in my eyes, turn around and see you standing right there next to me. i would smile and watch you sleep, and when you wake up we would eat milk and cereal outside on the balcony. i want comfort. i want someone who i'm comfortable laying next to in the green grass in the morning sun. and we would just laugh. and look into eachothers eyes without saying a word. comfortable silence. and then we would go out to eat something and then walk in the sun. and you would laugh at me because i drink tea like i breathe air. and you would say you think it's cute. and your laugh would be better than any compliment i could ever get. and just like that, we would have the perfect summer. a summer to remember.
Sunt ale tale pozele? <3
This is beautiful... I really love your concepts.. it's warm, and hopeful.
I run a collaborative blog called Dysfunctionalbeginnings.com. Stories about growing up, family, stuff, beginnings in general... told in a variety of different forms (multimedia, nonfiction, fiction, poetry, photographs, etc.)
Submissions to dysfunctionalbeginnings@gmail.com.
Let me know what you think, and thank you for your support!!
I'll be checking out your blog more often.
Buna Ilinka. Ma numesc Zaler-Aerab si sunt premierul coloniei Nexus, Vectorul Z-2,Galaxia Andromeda. Noi Nexusienii am interceptat blogul tau si,trebuie sa-ti spun, am fost fascinati...pe scara globala.
De ceva timp , va urmarim planeta. Vedem atatea razboaie, atata rautate si egoism. Oameni cat de cat inteligenti, in pozitii de putere, abuzand de semenii lor, inrobandu-i....comdamnandu-i la o viata de chin si mizerie. Si la nici din punct de vedere ecologic nu o duceti mai bine...cum va-ti putut otravii planeta in asa hal ?Cand Natura va ofera atat de mult... Sunteti foarte norocosi. Pe Nexus noi traim sub un strat gros de gheata. Viata apare in jurul vulcanilor de pe fundul marii.
Planuiam sa va distrugem...in asa fel incat sa nu aducem prejudicii semnificative biosferei.Crezand ca va vom face un favor. Apoi,pe data Terana de 17 septembrie 2008,la ora ta locala 12.25 Pm, s-a intamplat un miracol, unic in toata istoria noastra. Chiar cand eram in ultimele faze ale planificarilor, pe toate monitoarele de pe nava-mama... a aparut blogul tau.Atunci ne-am data seama ca nu va cunoastem chiar atat de bine si ca ar fi cazul sa cercetam inca un pic pe pamanteni si anume partile lor frumoase, poezia, muzica ,filosofia.Arta.
De atunci am invatat multe lucruri.
Am creat un consiliu diplomatic pentru Pamant a carui simbol este ceaiul de vanilie cu prea mult zahar.De curand, pe Nexus, la Facultatea Galactica a fost inclus Frederic Beigbeder in lista de Scriitori Moderni de importanta Universala. Asta pentru ca ne-a adus sarcasmul de care aveam atata nevoie...In plus , la facultatea de Filosofie din Amen, capitala noastra, acum se invata "Sunset phylosophy".In parlamentul Andromedian adolescenti cu tentaculele lasate lungi(chestie cu care nu sunt de acord) au inceput sa castige teren in sondaje, cu mesajul lor simplu de "Make love ,not intergalactic war".
Optimismul tau, Goman(Maestra) Ilinka, ne-a inspirat sa vedem frumusetea iubirii simple dintre oameni, caldura intimitatii momentelor lor citadine si toata inovatia pe care un copil o poate realiza , de-a lungul evolutiei sale, doar pentru ca crede...in ceva ce inca nici ea nu poate definii...dar stie ca exista.Tu ne-ai invatat asta "All that is gold does not glitter.Not all those who wonder are lost".
Acum avem o propunere. Vrem sa transformam Vama Veche in prima statiune intergalactica a Pamantului!!!Nu uita vrem Kate Nash si Newton Faulkner.Daca accepti sa fi ambasadoare pentru planeta ta .... iti vom oferi doza lunara necesara de...Bonibon!!!(sub o forma sau alta, tot restul vietii.)
Si, in legatura cu baiatul pe care il cauti, si care te cauta , desi inca nu stie asta, am un mesaj din partea celor 345 de Colonii din vectorul Z-2 , a galaxiei Andromeda: "if something is not happening for you it doesn't mean it's never gonna happen,it means you're not ready for it!!!"
Keep in touch, bucura-te in continuare de fiecare strop de ploaie senina si NAMASTE!!!
Cabinetul de Relatii Intra-Planetare a Premierului Coloniei Democrate Eliberate,Nexus
Camera de Lumina a Uniunii Gliesiene ,secretar RZ#434
Data stelara #2324.954.36.74.2
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